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Hidden Town Virtual Exhibit, Project Team

Project Co-Organizers

Meredith Farmer, Assistant Teaching Professor of Core Literature, Wake Forest University

Daniel Ackermann, Chief Curator and Director of Collections, Old Salem Museum & Gardens

Brianna Derr, Manager of Advanced Learning Projects, Wake Forest University

Contributors from Old Salem 

Johanna Brown, Curator of Moravian Decorative Arts & Director of Collections

Joel Cook, Education Coordinator for Hidden Town Programming

Jenny Garwood, Education Coordinator and Adjunct Curator of Textiles

Martha Hartley, Co-Chair of the Hidden Town Project

Emily Miller, Education Coordinator

Franklin Vagnone, President and CEO

Karen Walter, Director of Learning in Place

Contributors from Wake Forest 

Ana Bittner, Intern, Department of English and Special Collections

Carrie Johnston, Digital Humanities Research Designer, ZSR Library

Kennon Later, Intern, Department of English and Special Collections

Megan Mulder, Special Collections Librarian

Kathy Shields, Research and Instruction Librarian for History and Social Sciences

Other Affiliates 

John Yeagley, Vice President, Twisted Preservation

Ruthie Dibble, Curator, The Chipstone Foundation

This Hidden Town Virtual Exhibit has been sponsored by the Wake Forest University Humanities Institute, with support made possible by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. This project has also been generously funded by Wake Forest’s Office of Civic and Community Engagement and the College of Arts and Sciences, through a Mellon Engaged Humanities Course Localization Planning Grant, an Academic and Community Engagement Fellowship, and Course Enhancement Funding. Views or recommendations expressed in this virtual exhibit do not necessarily represent those of Wake Forest or the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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